I can't believe that I'm still around
So...it's been awhile since I blogged and lots has happened. In no particular order:
Basia's mama: is in the hospital and things are not going well. She's no bigger than a minute and doesn't have the reserves to fight an overwhelming battle. I think we're looking at sooner rather than later here, and what's more, I think everyone who cares for her is hoping, considering the pain she's in, that sooner comes sooner than that.
The house: ah...the house. After exciting moments where absolutely nothing happened, I think we're finally on a roll. The hardwood is getting delivered today, the painting is actually progressing, and we're theoretically supposed to have everything finished by the first weekend in March. I've got my fingers crossed.
The move: well...moves. I'm hoping to move mom and I in over the 2nd weekend of March. Nothing booked yet, but I've got some guys who have promised to help, which leads to...
The guest: CarrieAnn moved in before the place was ready, and long story short, it was not an optimal situation. I'm not sure where this going or what's happening in this department, but I think I've gone as far down this road as I can without professional assistance. Those of you who know what I'm talking about are probably nodding and wondering how someone as ostensibly smart as me can be opening my eyes to this only now. What can I say? I have a hard time thinking badly about the people I care about. 'Nuff said.
The surgery: mom's booked to go in March 13, so I'll be taking some time off and then working from home while she recuperates.
The wedding: it was amazing! Fantastico - everything was as beautiful as it could be, and classy and wonderful and while I didn't cry, I did tear up when Jimmy did. Mick was gorgeous, the room was amazing, they both looked so happy ... it was everything a wedding should be *happy sigh*.
What else...I'm sure there should be more. However...not so much with the ringing of bells right now. I'm in the usual Survivor and Amazing Race pools, so I'll try to remember to blog my snark for those less fortunates. Until then, adieu!
what does basia mean?
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