Dirt Roads to City Streets

A blog in search of an identity and a focus.

Location: Canada

Friday, December 15, 2006

Better than ice cream...

So... here I am. On my day off. At work. Coming up on 6 hours now. I know, I know. Poor me. After all, I dig ditches for a living. Er... shovel coal. No, wait. I chase preschoolers around. Um. Tame lions? No? Right. I copy-and-paste for a living. Right. So, poor me.

Anyway...been here for hours waiting for something that was supposed to need my urgent attention first thing this morning. Uh huh. What-evah. I have used the time productively (right up until I decided to blog, that is!), and now I'm taking a break.

Was supposed to go for lunch with KLT today, which plan done tanked, being as how I'm chained to my computer for the duration. Which sucks on a number of levels, as it's been approximately forever since we got together, plus - lunch. Who doesn't love lunch?

What else has been happening since I last posted (earlier this week! Twice in a week!)... Went for supper with Basia last night, which was fun, as always. She's been sik, which is never fun, but appears to be getting better and all reconnected and stuff, which is also good. She toured my new digs and has plans for the cleansing that needs to happen. Shared with me the inner working of Hippie Foods, which I find fascinating for some reason.

Oh, been meaning to share this. Recently, the city passed a bylaw making it illegal to leave your bodily excretions on the street - spit, urine...the works. Then there was a case where a homeless guy spit into a garbage can and got fined, which seemed a bit harsh. Anyway, I was walking to my parking stall a few nights ago, down a dark and less-than-fresh smelling alley, where I have to watch my step lest I skid in said excretions and there I saw it: the homeless response to the new bylaw. In a fruit box (the kind you get peaches in when you're canning) was a big steaming pile of human do-do. Not on the street - it was in a box. Easy to pick up, if your hobbies include collecting excrement. I wonder if that was a politically-motivated statement, or just an example of 'dude, I gotta go!'. A mystery for the ages, truly.

Last word(s): Gizmodo, The Gadget Guide - Coolest. Site. Ever.


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