A lion's just a great big cat, a lady pig's a sow...
[insert ususal non-sincere apology for length between postings here]
So, time goes by and once again I'm writing. In the immortal words of the Commodores: What's Going On??
Not a lot of reading of traditional books going on here...still plowing my way through a few of the books I mentioned after my last trip. Been reading some wonderful and occasionally smutty online stuff, which is free, although periodically chains me to my computer, which I could live without. Nothing to really recommend at the moment, but that will change, because...
Coming up soon! 15 more sleeps, proclaims Basia. Can't hardly wait, sez I. It will be good. We've got only the vaguest of notions of where we want to go and what we want to see, so we're winging it a lot more than usual, which can only be for the good, in my book. If I see sand and water and the occasional literary mecca, I'll consider it a good trip. If I spend very few hours in a mall, that'll be even better (I'm a kamikaze shopper - get in, risk life and limb, and get the foik outta there). Depending on the internet connection we get at the hotel, I may blog from the east coast whilst the memories are still fresh.
- Ryman is officially a legal celeb, with his very first magazine cover. Swoon!
- Lisel is back from a recent and amazing trip to Mongolia, and is currently dancing with a mailman.
- Banana is getting married. Sniff...our little Gilster, all grown up!
- Jer just sold us an investment share in a strip mall...and when did people I know start to get all responsible and shite?
- CarrieAnne is happy and healthy and loving her job...it's a trifecta of sqeeee for her (go Carrie!)
- Mickelous, of course, has exploits to steamy to mention...not that that stops him. Bastard.
- Dawnski is adjusting to her empty nest...can't wait to hear where her next adventure takes her
- Jimbo (aka Big Ugly Jim) is gearing up to leave the city...wtf? Won't be the same without ye...
- Haven't recently heard from George, ApplePie Dave or Gavin recently, but that's more my fault than theirs. I will one day get my poop in a scoop and try to renegotiate those friendships. Fingers crossed.
House news
Still not house-poor, although we're creeping closer. I think I finally have a good idea of what are the must-haves and what are the nice-to-haves in the equation. We'll see how that goes...
TV season
After a blissful season of non-television, we're gearing up for the new season. How do I know this? Because tells me so (whoo - weird flashback to vacation bible school there...). Just got my first snarky recap of the season: Cane-Free but still Lame (referencing House). I've also got my pools lined up for Amazing Race and Survivor, which is another clue. None of the new shows really capture my interest, at least based on their frantic write-ups, although I watched about 30 seconds of some new FBI kidnapping show featuring Brian from QaF. Plus: hot FBI guy with a gun. Minus: no naked men cavorting. It won't last the season. I'll be tuning in for CSI (even though the relationship between Gil and Sara makes me cringe; he totally should be with Nick. Or Greg. Or Nick and Greg. And I'll watch NCIS, even though Gibbs and Tony have yet to consummate their complicated relationship. What? Is it wrong that I see hot gay sex where none exists? What?
Other stuff
Well, I've got this whole weird kind of personal epiphany thing going on, and I'll keep you posted in the manner in which it eventually manifests itself. I've been using some of my quality hermit time to actually get all introspecty on my ass, which is weird and so unlike me. I prefer my personal insights to be alcohol-fueled and as seldom as possible. Still... maybe this is the kind of thing that happens when you get all, old and shit.
Well, so much for the "sharing" portion of our telecast. I'm going to wrap things up here, because I can and you're not the boss of me. Did I mention my sisters (plural!) were going to Switzerland? Yeah, still hate my sisters...
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