No white flag above my door...
...okay, so the whole blog-a-week thing didn't pan out. Anyone surprised? C'mon...raise your hands. Right. So. Well.
What's been going on since last I wrote? Well, yesterday I officially kicked off the new year with the first fall of the season. In my defense, I tried to prevent it by wearing sneakers instead of work shoes, but still went arse over teakettle in the parking lot. As a new twist for 2007, I shotput my purse away from me, with enough g-force so that it didn't lose any of the coinage in the unzipped pockets, and soundly thumped the truck nearest me, causing the driver, who was sipping coffee, reading the paper and minding his own bidness, to near-bout shat himself trying to figure out what the earth-shaking thump was. Happily, I walked away from the fall without mishap and had nary a twisted ankle or popped knee to bitch about.
What else? Oh, my contractor finally came out of the woodwork and gave me a painting quote. Quite a bit higher than I anticipated (Damn Francesco and his expensive colours!), but at this point, I'm willing to pay almost anything to put this thing to bed and start living in the house that I'm paying for. I probably shouldn't cop to that, particularly since I haven't received a flooring quote, the mere thought of which already has me eyeballing my remaining inheritance warily.
Haven't spoken to anyone in ages and ages...hermitting big-time. Might have to invite Basia over this weekend, as I need solid motivation for cleaning my house. Still haven't packed a jeezly thing, either, which at some point might become problematic. I'm anticipating giving notice at the end of this month, which means I need to be packed and book movers and arrange for someone to come in and give the place a thorough scrub before I hand over the keys. I guess I've been taking full advantage of the calm before the storm. An organized person (ShammaLamma) would have a plan in place, although a disorganized person (ShammaLamma...she's got lots of facets) still would have no actual work done. I need a timeline in place soon so I can figure out when I need to take time off to get the big move and unpack accomplished. Really looking forward to that. No...really.
Joshie's birthday is this week. Mustn't forget that. I'm looking forward to being in the new place and having room to have a few projects on the go. I want to give the bratlings homemade scarves and/or toques for Christmas next year, but haven't really got the room or the comfort to attempt in my current environs.
Getting the antique couch/chair set I inherited along with the house recovered fairly shortly. I talked mom out of everything she liked and willfully chose something that appealed to me. It's going to be pricey, but cheaper than buying new, and the set is built like a tank. Plus, they strip the thing down to wood anyway, so it's like new. Plus, it's like 9 feet long and the best napping couch (what...I had to test it out).
License plates I've seen on the roads recently that made me snorfle: cugrrrr, ehtozed, giphted. Bumper sticker: Let me be your plumber. I want to buy a hummer.
On that note...later hosen.
Shirt I want
Sweatshops: Another day, Another dollar.
Oh, and hows the dido listening treating you?
Good post.
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