Sky of memory and shadow...
Trying something new this year - the weekly blog.
So, you ever have one of those days where you can't get a song out of your head? Something old and half-forgotten? I get that a lot, mostly because I listen to Jack, which bombards me with old tunes (sidebar: I was reading a list of MSNBC's list of the best 10 albums of the year, and I didn't recognize one of them. Worse, I only barely recognized the artists. This does not bode well for my waning quotient of cool).
Anyway: old tunes. Instead of getting stuck in an endless loop of some disco tune, or Weird Al's White and Nerdy (okay, that was last week's recurring song), this week, it's old snatches of songs from elementary school. Does anyone recognize these?
- I love to go, a-wandering, along a mountain track....and as I go, I love to sing, my napsack on my back....valdereeeeeee valderaaaaaaaa... well, it goes on, but there's no need to punish everyone.
- something with a chorus of Ocky-tocky-unga and a tickle of a memory that it's supposed to be about the Inuit.
- Big A, little a, bouncing B...the cat's in the cradle and he can't catch me (okay, more of a rhyme than a song).
- I'm a little piece of tin, nobody knows where I have 4 wheels and a running board, I'm a 4 wheel, I'm a Ford, honk-honk, rattle-rattle-rattle, crash beep-beep... it goes on in that vein.
- Once a yodler went yodeling in a mountain so high, when along came a pretty girl interrupting his cry.... (there are actions and exclamations for choruses, far too many of which still live in brain).
The weirdest was waking up one morning with the complete We Three Kings of Orient Are running through my brain. Sure, it was Christmas, which gave me an excuse, but I know darned well I haven't heard the song in years, and haven't sung it in nearly 20 years. And I still barely know my address and consider myself lucky on a daily basis that I can find my way home. Sheesh!
What else can I share about my week. It was kind of quiet, all things considered. Our major project is wrapping up on the weekend, and then it'll be time to start working on all those things that we've been back-burnering, assuming the new boss doesn't have different priorities for us. What else? Oh, nothing out of the ordinary. Just one mostly-naked coworker in my office this afternoon (you know who you are!). You know... same-old, same-old.
My computer is back and running, although it still has enough quirks to piss me off. It's latest trick is to refuse to display any of the text on some of my favourite web sites, like the Drudge Report. It opens the page, displays the skeezy broke-neck picture of Saddam and refuses to display text. Argh! I've found a work-around, but it irks me to have to do that. Oh well.
Oooh...and I got a camera for Christmas, so there's officially no excuse for me to not post pictures now. Not that there was an excuse before, but, well, you know. Once there's actual progress on my new place, you can expect to see the odd image here for your amusement and edification.
Until then...adieu.
Have you seen the shots of the Golden Compass movie? I'm a little concerned, as it does not appear as though anyone has their...uhhh...animal/soul deals. (ok, I haven't read it in a while, but I remember the basics) and one of the basics was every one, but everyone, had thier soul/animal with them at all times, except witches. What the hell?
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