Indie-Yuppies R Us...
Ryan, a summer student at work, was recently interviewed in the Toronto Star. He's apparently part of a new generation (no, no connection to Pepsi). He's an indie-yuppie. I'm having a hard time keeping up with all of the new generations that are nipping at my increasingly antique heels. I remember Gen-X and Gen-Y (even sub-groups like neo-pagan and techno-peasant) but Indie-Yuppie is news to me. Anyway, it's a good read and it gave me an excuse (read: kick in the pants) to blog it and share with y'all. Enjoy!
9 days til my next birthday... And in spite of my antiquity, I'm still always happy to see the day arrive. Maybe it's because it's so close to the start of summer, and even though I'm no longer a professional student and work all summer these days, it's still a lovely time of year, and worthy of celebration. And gifts are always nice...
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