Dirt Roads to City Streets

A blog in search of an identity and a focus.

Location: Canada

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Unhappy Anniversary

Better than my own words could ever express...


Unhappy Anniversary (We told you so.) Borrowed from Think Progress:

The Invasion Two Years Later

  • 200: Lowest estimated number in billions of U.S. taxpayers' dollars that have been spent on the war in Iraq
  • 152,000: Estimated number of troops currently deployed in Iraq
  • 1,511: U.S. troops killed in Iraq since the invasion
  • 11,285: Americans wounded since the invasion was launched two years ago
  • 21,100-39,300: Estimated number of Iraqi civilians killed since the invasion by violence from war and crime
  • 176: Non-U.S. coalition troops killed in Iraq since the invasion
  • 339: Coalition troops killed by Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs)
  • 70: Daily average number of insurgent attacks on coalition forces in February 2005
  • 14: Daily average number of insurgent attacks on coalition forces in February 2004
  • 18,000: Estimated number of insurgents in Iraq today
  • 5,000: Estimated number of insurgents in Iraq in June 2003
  • 27/14: Countries remaining in the "coalition of the willing" versus number of former coalition members that have withdrawn all their forces or announced their intention to do so
  • 25,000: Non-U.S. coalition troops still in Iraq
  • 4,500: Troops that Italy and the Netherlands have pledged to withdraw before the end of the year
  • 142,472: Iraqi security troops the Pentagon says it has trained and equipped
  • 40,000: Iraqi troops that General Richard Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said are adequately trained and equipped to handle most threats
  • 0: Number of active Army combat units deployed to Iraq that have received the required year-long break from active duty required by Pentagon rules
  • 30: Percent by which the U.S. National Guard missed its recruitment targets in November and `December 2004
  • 27: Percent by which the U.S. Army missed its recruitment goals in the past month
  • 15: Percent of military personnel, according to GAO, who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, who could develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • 2: Estimated output of Iraqi oil industry in millions of barrels per day
  • 2.8: Estimated output of Iraqi oil industry in millions of barrels per day before the U.S. invasion
  • 8: Average number of hours that Iraqis have electricity per day
  • 28-40: Estimated Iraqi unemployment rate
  • 108: Millions of dollars in Halliburton overcharges hidden from international auditors by the Pentagon
  • 9: Billions of dollars the Coalition Provisional Authority cannot account for of all funds dispensed for Iraq reconstruction

Part of the problem with this war is that like Johnson and McNamara, these people cannot be believed about anything and their lying endangers all of us. (And what is the MSM response? “Thank you sir, may I have another.")


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