Strange dreams, indeed....most peculiar, mama...
So, I had this very weird dream, which isn't unusual, but I actually woke myself up at various points during the night to remind myself of the sequence, and to blog it because my sister would be most amused by it. So, here goes:
It's a multi-part dream, and I know I'm coming in somewhere before it starts, but there was a sequence where Elspeth, my VP, was there, and we (along with a lot of other people) ended up at an impromptu concert put on by Prince. While we were there, the concert was invaded by the Mole People (for the record, they looked kind of like the mutants in Tank Girl...I'm pretty sure I saw Ice-T there). Anyway, it turned out that Prince had the ability to repel the mole people, so a bunch of us took off after them. There was an old guy, and a few young people with me (not that it really matters), and we were driving along this elevated highway, and we discovered that the Mole People had removed entire sections of the highway. Of course, we narrowly avoided disaster by falling into a missing section. Whew!
While investigating to find a way around the hole in the road, we discovered a cave/burrow. Naturally, we followed it and ended up in the land of the Mole People. More hijinks ensued, none of which are terribly clear to me, until the part where I ended up owning two pet rats. Real rats, not ferrets like Ratsy-Tatsy Bernie. So, now I own these two rats and of course everyone is expressing their rat-prejudice, including Jean and Dwight, because now we're down on the farm and they've spotted my rat-babies and are trying to do away with them. I'm naturally indignant, and demonstrate how tame they are--except for occasionally biting people, they are the perfect pet. Then, I break Dwight's ladder and have to pay him for a new one.
Suddenly, Gordie calls me (at some point during the call, he actually materializes...keep that in mind) on the truck phone. He tells me that Gramma is homeless and it's all my fault. Because of my generosity, someone at the Lodge told Gramma that she really shouldn't qualify for any government assistance (or should qualify for more...that part was a little fuzzy), and she should stop paying for her room, and send them a letter demanding a refund. So, they are kicking her out and it's all my fault.
This is the part where he suddenly materializes. I actually woke myself up enumerating all the reasons why he should be able to resolve this matter (joint bank account means he can control withdrawals, speaking to the Lodge, etc.). I was quite indignant and upset that he would blame me for any of this--just because I made a donation to the Handi-Bus Society.
I'm just remembering that there was a whole earlier piece where I had roommates who were annoying me while we went to university (I've been going through this dream phase where I keep writing myself into The Gilmore Girls...most bizarre). One of those roommates could have been with me at the Prince concert.
Anyway, it was truly odd, and as I kept repeating the sequence to myself (Gramma-Rats-Prince), I'd keep re-writing the 'ending'. Maybe I won the lottery, and... Maybe I bought this big house and Gramma and the rats... It was all I could do when I sat down here to separate the various versions into what I think was the true and original one.
Any thoughts on what this all means? Beyond the obvi0us--that I require years of therapy?
Addendum: I shared this dream with Carrie and Basia and they agreed that the Mole People are people at work that I'm having problems with. Hmmm... trouble is, I can't really picture who that might be, since we get along fairly well at work. Must be some of those pesky clients who keep interrupting me to request work. Bastards!
You are very weird!
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