Dirt Roads to City Streets

A blog in search of an identity and a focus.

Location: Canada

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Old friends....

Okay, so it's been awhile since I've blogged...mea culpa.

Watched a PBS 'blokes of Britcom' show last night, and as I was watching it, I kept trying to figure out what about the show was different than the best-of/where-are-they-now types of shows one usually sees. Then it hit me: these people were old! I mean, old the way real people are, not the way Hollywood types are old. Try to imagine Clint Eastwood with wattles and and jowls and specs (not pecs). Every one of these people was wrinkly and a bit tubby and had mile-thick glasses (they all looked sort of like Micky Rooney, come to think of it!). It was a bit disconcerting to realize that I'd forgotten how old people look on the screen - when they look old and real, as opposed to expertly made-up, toned and tanned.

Speaking of old friends...just found out that an old friend from DeVry (Gord) is back in hospital with a terrible prognosis. The cancer is back, and it's only a matter of time. Sigh... Gord's always been a good human, and he'd beaten it back a number of times, but now it's got his number. If you're reading this and want to visit, contact me and I'll pass along his info.

What else is going on? Well, just back from an organizing committee meeting for the Etzikom School Reunion, and saw some old faces and friends. Strange to be working with the people who were your teachers, and parents (or grandparents) of your friends. Makes you feel very old and very young all over again. Both of my sisters are involved in the event (even though the school closed before Kelly could attend), and that gave the old fogies a chance to mix us up, and call us 'the girls'. There was a time when that bothered me, but as the years go by, being called a girl is starting to sound better. Another decade, and I'll be downright chuffed every time I hear it.

I hadn't really intended to expound upon a theme, although it worked out quite nicely. Have a good day, and call an old friend...


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