Dirt Roads to City Streets

A blog in search of an identity and a focus.

Location: Canada

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Just when you thought it was safe...

  • Just when you thought you'd seen it all, along comes Darth Tater - a Mr. Potato Head in dark lord drag. While I mock, you must realize that I'll also think seriously about adding this to my birthday wish list...
  • Richard Hatch (Survivor's season 1 winner - aka fat, naked gay guy) pleads guilty to tax evasion (what kind of an idiot fails to declare the million dollars that most of the country saw him win??)
  • Here's my weekly commentary on this season's Amazing Race:
    Ding dong! The witch is dead! And with her, the creepy, underwear-exposing, lunatic-raving monkey. Yes, Johnathan and Victoria are gone!

    I had a feeling this would be a good episode. Not just because my sister called me right as it started to tell me who would be voted out. I watched Bolo thump his head on the doorframe of the plane, and had to giggle shamelessly.

    I did rant and throw pillows when Kendra opined first on travelling to Ethiopia ('we just were in a 3rd world country and now we have to go back...*sneer*'), and then made like a REALLY ugly American when she landed ('I guess they just choose to live in poverty').

    However, I giggled when Victoria hurt herself (especially after seeing the miniscule boo-boo on her finger). I chortled when Adam hiked miles out of his way and then freaked out when realizing that he'd screwed up. I guffawed when Lori knelt before the priest in the church (she can't pronounce Nice correctly, but nothing is going to stop her and her fake chest from showing respect in church!).

    But what really made me roll on the floor was watching J&V bicker all the way to the farmer, only to find out that they were too clueless to read the clue! From the moment they turned around and hiked back to the donkeys, I was rubbing my hands in anticipation of the look on Phil's face when he FINALLY got to punt them.

    All in all, it was a great episode. Adam and Rebecca melted down...again. What else is new?
  • In other news - I've been meaning to post this for awhile. Johnny Incognito, a great punk band based in Calgary, has a great little website. Of particular interest is the lead singer (Big Ugly Jim). In another incarnation, he was an instructor, and he writes for a number of interesting zines. Check out the "Big Ugly World" link for some of his political articles/rants.
  • Worked out last night with Kelly, thus getting Mick off my back. Did a mile, which was good. Got a blister, which wasn't. Foots hurt, but I'm trying to convince self that it's a good pain. Self is not buying it yet. Might need to feed self some chocolate to get back on its good side. Will be going to gym tomorrow and Friday, thus completing my commitment of 3 visits per week. Yesterday, discovered that the commitment was for 6 weeks. Self demanded (and received) a post-work-out burger in consolation. Brain pointed out the futility of working out only to eat a burger, but shut up when body reminded brain that working out at all was brain's idea, and that body was more than willing to park on couch and watch reality television. Brain piped down but is now quietly plotting to work up a good anxiety attack that will immediately punish colon.


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