Dirt Roads to City Streets

A blog in search of an identity and a focus.

Location: Canada

Friday, May 06, 2005

Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'...

Didn't realize how long it had been since I'd updated my blog until I went to leave a comment on someone else's blog and couldn't remember the link for my own. Oops. I'll try harder in the future.

Not much going on with me. Been reading a lot of fan fiction lately. Mostly CSI, mostly slash. For those out of the loop, slash harkens back to the homoerotic writings of early Star Trek fans, who were fascinated by the possibilities of a Kirk/Spock pairing. The genre takes its name from that all-important "/".

It's weird how your interests circle around, isn't it? I first discovered fanfic in grad school. I was on a great mailing list made up of people who were in love with all things Trek and X-Files and scifi in general. And they were clever and creative and had wonderfully filthy little minds and loved nothing more than writing a good story where Garak and Bashir did the nasty. Or setting DS9 in the world of Shakespeare's The Tempest. Or ... well, you get the drift. They wrote really interesting stories with unusual plots, many of which were screen-worthy (well, except for the more pornier aspects, anyway). Then, I left grad school and my free, unlimited internet access behind, changed gears and lost track of that group and fan fiction in general.

Now, I've discovered a whole new crop of fanfic authors, some of whom are truly wonderful writers. Others are just filthy pervs, but I've been immersing myself in all of their work. It's been cutting into my TV time, which is probably a good thing, all things considered, but it also has meant that I've had less time for mainstream fiction. But I'd been on a bit of a reading hiatus anyway, for some strange reason, so I'm hoping to drink my fill of slash and come back to my shelves of unread books with renewed vigor. I'm not linking in here, but if you're interested, let me know and I'll set you up with some fabulous sites.

What else is going on. Finally got my hair done. I was mocked viciously by my stylist, the incomparable Thomas. I really, really must remember to go back for regular touch-ups.

What else? Clock is ticking down to my first vacation of the year - 1 week in Radium with Basia. We will go and eat and rest and read and as usual, every bear in the vicinity will make an appearance. Seriously. I'm a bear magnet. Others can go to the mountains and see nary a bear, where I will see one almost every day. They will find me when I'm having a sandwich at a roadside turnout. They will be snacking on dandelions as I drive past. They will leave scat where I'm about to amble around a lake. They will have freaked out tourists along my path as I go to see funky mud flats. Weird. And a little cool, let's face it.

Kelly has returned from China, bearing gifts. And will be home for more than a few days in a row for a change. Well...she will be once she gets back from the farm...