Dirt Roads to City Streets

A blog in search of an identity and a focus.

Location: Canada

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I'm baaaaaaaaaack

Okay, okay. Stop poking, prodding, spamming and otherwise heckling. I'll post, I'll post! To be honest, I stopped posting around the time google took over because it became just one more set of passwords I had to manage and remember. Think I'm kidding? Getting back on here took no less than 3 messages from blogger and google to get me back up and running. That, my friends, makes no damned sense.

What's been up with me since last I posted? Well, for the last month, my entire world has been consumed by Tribal Wars. Who knew I was so blood-thirsty? Relax, I haven't gone all gamer on you. ;) It's a war(ish) game, with fighting and tactics and tribes, and 14 year olds swearing vengeance, but it's not a first-person shooter game. Instead, you build up a village, gradually accumulating the troops you need to support yourself and going on "farming" raids to steal additional resources from vacant tribes (or players who aren't as obsessive about logging in). Even attacking another player is clean and bloodless (you send troops, their activity is basically a timer showing how long until they get there, and once they hit their target they instantly turn around and come home).

I somehow managed to find myself in a great tribe, with people who used actual punctuation in their well-written sentences (I know! I was amazed, too!). Then, they made me a tribal leader (assistant diplomat). Things were going well, but evil Riceman kept coming in and kicking our butts, along with his cronies in Death To All (I was in Death Before Dishonor - note that I didn't name the tribe, or it would've had a "u" in there). Tragically, D2A poached many of our better players and the leaders disbanded it. I was suddenly being courted by many other tribes, including D2A, about whom I'd talked so much smack that I couldn't justify going to play with them. So, after accumulating 3 villages and spending waaaaay too much time online, I decided to pull the plug and leave before it took over more of my waking hours.

Seriously. It was scary how involved I got in that space. It began to cut into my time on my Deck of Distinction. And that made no damned sense.

What else? Planning to drive to the coast for my fall vacay, which will be fabu. Pictures from previous trips can be found on my facebook page, which I leave wide open to the world, because apparently I know nothing about security and identity theft. ;)

Also - this just in:


Congratulations as we bring to your notice, Officially of the senate house federal
Republic of Nigeria has chosen you by the board committe on appropriation and
finance as one of the final recipients of this new year contract/inheritance file to
celebrate the fiscal 2008 an ATM CARD has been issued out of $5,500,000.00 to
the lucky recipients fill out below information and send it to the Payment Remitance
Office. Full Name..Residential Address:.Occupation: Country:
Telephone:.Atm code:ATM-0081)

Senator Abubakar .D.Sodangi
Phone Number : +2347039406730
Isn't that cool? I didn't have to do anything and the nice people in Nigeria want to give me money. All I have to do is sending them my ATM code and they'll deposit it for me. Nigerians are so nice... ;)

Well ShammaLamma? Is that enough?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

More. More.

August 14, 2008 at 5:37 p.m.  

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